Tag Archives: prose

Welcome to Rhode Island Writer’s Harvest

Welcome to Rhode Island Writer’s Harvest (RIWH). This initiative was launched on May 21, 2021. This CALL TO ACTION is an open invitation to all Rhode Island writers (all genres), readers, and supporters. Please follow the link below to read, review, and join me in this community of Rhode Island writers and those who want to give back to help end hunger in Rhode Island. Thank you to Steve Maciel and Billy Shore – many blessings.

Thank you,


Jessan Dunn Otis


Rhode Island Writer’s Harvest (RIWH)


June 1, 2022 – Talking to myself… #essay

This is me, talking to myself: How can you call yourself a writer if you don’t write?

Me replying to me: You mean writing inside my head doesn’t count?!

Sort of; but, not really. Where’s the proof?


Okay! Okay! I’ll put it down on paper/print. Better?

It’s a start. Now what?

Keep going.

Everything worth doing is worth practicing. Like any activity, writing takes practice. It doesn’t much matter what form the writing takes – be it prose, poetry, opinion piece, an article, a letter, a journal entry, etc. The thing is the writing of it. Getting it out of your head and putting it down in some form. If nothing else, it’s talkin’ to yourself, through writing.

Does anyone else have to read it?

Nope, not necessarily. Your choice.

If noone else reads it, does it still have value?


So, what you’re saying is that you’re re-committing to “putting it down”, no matter what, in whatever form, on a regular basis – yes?

Yes. I promise.

I’ve got my eyes on you; and, look forward to what comes next.

Thanks. Me, too.