Tag Archives: world

The World Needs You

The world needs you today.

Be gentle with yourself. Be gentle with others. Be gentle with all things, great and small. Be gentle with Mother Earth.

In addition, be fierce in your passions.

Those two things – gentle and fierce – may appear a contradiction. They are not.

The world needs your gentle ferocity.

Do what you were meant to do.

Photo credit: Jessan Dunn Otis, Writer

6:41 AM ~ poem


Early AM Light - Providence, RI - August, 2016 - photo credit - Jessan Dunn Otis, Writer\





6:41 AM ~ poem

In this early morning, break-of-a-new day light

In this cooling, new-day air

I could live



(c) poem and photo credit – Jessan Dunn Otis|Writer – August 30, 2016

#ActsOfKindness – essay

Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see. ~ Mark Twain #quote

Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see. ~ Mark Twain #quote

#ActsOfKindness – essay

More and more, recently, it seems to me that what’s needed are more acts of simple courtesy and kindness. A smile to a stranger. The door held open for the next person behind you. A call and/or handwritten note to a loved one you know is not in such a good place today; or, to whom you’ve not reached out for too long. The simple “Please.” and “Thank you.”

With that in mind, via various social media, I’ve been posting with the hashtag #ActsOfKindness.

If you, like me, agree that our Big Blue Marble could use just a little more courtesy, a little more kindness, please be free to use and/or post using #ActsOfKindness.

Thanks, in advance and anticipation ~

~ Jessan

The only way to change the world is to change the story.

The only way to change the world is to change the story.



The first time I read this sentence I read it, thought I understood it and read on.  That was some time ago.

The next time I read this sentence some time had passed, a few life-changing events had occurred and, while I was the same person, I wasn’t the same person and I began to understand a bit more.

The most recent time I read this sentence I stopped reading and breathed in the spirit of this sentence, as if it was a sweet-scented and familiar perfume or food or light.

The world was still the world, the sentence was still the same sentence; and, yet, everything was changed.

What’s your story?